Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A part of the self study our church is doing for Healthy Church Initiative is to do a Community Study.  One way would be going door to door asking persons the following questions.  Another way would be for our members to ask their neighbors, persons they hopefully know the following questions.


I am conducting a survey on behalf of Newton First United Methodist Church.  Could I have just a few minutes of your time and ask the following questions?

1. Is there anything our church could do for you or the people in your neighborhood?

2. Are there any needs you or your neighbors have that we can help with?

3. Do you have a church home and if not, what kind of church would you like?

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me.  Have a good day.

If each one of us would talk with our neighbors we would get a good perspective on what we could do for the community around us as a church.

If there are folks who would like to join me on doing a door to door survey outside of your neighborhood please contact me.

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